How does Georgia’s Pre-K Program prepare a child for success in Kindergarten and later school years?

The first of the National Education Goals states “all children will start school ready to learn.” Keeping in mind the following contexts, Georgia formulated a definition of school readiness. We believe school readiness must be defined within the context of the nature of four year olds and how they learn. We believe it must be defined within the context of families and how they live. School readiness must be defined within the context of communities and the services they provide. And, it must be defined within the context of schools and their readiness for children. A child’s readiness for school is when…

• possible health barriers that block learning have been detected,
• suspected physical or mental disabilities have been addressed,
• enthusiasm, curiosity, and persistence toward learning is demonstrated,
• feelings of both self and others are recognized,
• social and interpersonal skills are emerging,
• communication with others is effective,
• early literacy skills are evident, and
• a general knowledge about the world, things, places, events, and people has been acquired